
Name : Grass Carp

Grass carp

Other Names: Grass, Ctenopharyngodon idella,  White Amur, Waan Ue
Size: 90 to 110 cm
Typical Location: In weedy and slow flowing or standing waters of lakes, ponds, pools and rivers.
Fishing Method: Floating bait such as weed or bread on the surface. Bottom fishing using sweetcorn or boilies.


The grass carp is one of the largest members of the minnow family. Although grass carp are related to both common carp and goldfish, distinct differences exist both in appearance and feeding habits. The grass carp, also known as the White Amur, is a vegetarian fish native to the Amur River in Asia. The body is oblong with moderately large scales, while the head has no scales. There are three simple and seven branched rays on the dorsal fin. Grass carp are silvery to olive in color, lacking the golden hue of common carp, and they have no barbels. Typically, this fish occurs in the spring when water temperatures reach 59-63°F, and under rising water conditions.

Grass carp are native to large rivers in Asia, ranging from the Amur River in China and Siberia south to the West River in China and Thailand. This fish Very commonly and widely found in Pakistan, in slow flowing and still water bodies. In 2006, many countries reported cultured production of grass carp but only some of them (Bangladesh, China, Taiwan Province of China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan, Myanmar and Russian Federation) reported a production greater than 1 000 tones.

Fight Characteristics of this fish are very strong that will put up a good and long fight, giving it everything it has got, and known to jump. If you play with a Grass carp and he plays you until he’s either exhausted on the beach or hands you back your tackle in your hat.

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